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Somebody To You

Rachael Lampa


Roxanne’s story

I woke up with a terrible headache and my hamstring on fire because I pulled a muscle. So I decided to go to dog park because it always helps my mental state. Driving to dog park in stoughton I heard a big boom and thought something hit my truck. My truck looked fine once I got to dog park. On the way home my tire low pressure gauge went on. My tires looked fine when I left the park. I turned onto my street and I could feel the tire go down. My left front tire completely flat. I give all thanks to Jesus. I know that I know he had his hands around my truck. I feel so blessed right now. A front tire doesn’t boom like that at 55 mph without a problem right away. My head feels better, my hamstring is still on fire but I made it all the way home with no problems and GOD did that. Praise the Lord. Have a beautiful day.