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God Be The Glory

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What’s Next with Natalie: Little Amerricka

On “Mornings With Dave & Natalie,” we asked for your help compiling a bucket list for my first summer in Madison – and boy, did you deliver! I plan to check off many of your suggestions throughout the summer – and beyond – and write about my experiencesYou can also follow along on Life 102.5’s Facebook and Instagram pages, where I’ll be posting as I go. Thanks for helping to make my first Madison-area summer a memorable one! 

When many of you called or wrote in to suggest I go to Little Amerricka for my summer bucket list, I was just planning on taking my family. Then Dave said he had never been, and neither had much of our staff, so we decided to make an office field trip out of it because what could be more fun than a bunch of adults enjoying kids’ rides on a random Thursday afternoon?!

I first want to say a huge thank you to the staff at Little Amerricka who gifted us some gold wristbands for this experience so we could enjoy ourselves to our hearts’ content — and also for giving us permission to film some funny videos for a staff project along the way!

I can’t wait to take my kids to Little Amerricka!

We started by eyeing the winding Tobaggon rollercoaster, but none of us were brave enough to go on it, so we went with the Meteor instead. Pro tip: You might need knee pads on this one if you’re as tall as Dave!

We also rode the carousel and Mad Mouse and some of us even braved the Tilt-A-Whirl (no, thank you).

After that is when the team learned I’m really afraid of Go Karts because of a traumatic experience I had with them as a child …. but I succumbed to peer pressure and decided to do it anyway. I guess there’s something to be said for how much I like and trust these people because I hadn’t been on a Go Kart since I was eight. I can’t say I *loved* it, but Mikayla from afternoons let me ride with her, so I felt safer tagging along that way instead of driving myself. (Well — “safe” might be a stretch. She is a pretty competitive racer, but I am grateful that she let me invade her personal space in the very tight two-seater better suited for children.)

This place may be geared toward kids, but the five of us adults sure had a great time! Front to back: Mikayla from afternoons, Dave & me from mornings, Cristina from weekends and our brand new intern, Jordan

We capped off the afternoon by riding around the park on the Monorail, which was a slow, scenic ride and a great way to end our day at Little Amerricka!

I already can’t wait to go back with my family because I think it’s the perfect place to introduce my 5-year-old to his first rollercoaster.

In the meantime, what should I do next?